Thank you so very much for your kind assistance in helping Enable the Children to get highly important equipment to Sierra Leone from the UK. We are highly grateful to you and Westminster for coordinating the packing, transportation and unloading of our equipment – we cannot thank you enough.
The gaiters and stability boots that you brought to this country are used to help children to be able to stand up and walk, as well as preventing deformities. They are not possible to buy in this country, which is why we rely on donations from the UK to be able to continue our work effectively, and without your help to bring them here, we would still be struggling. Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into helping us.
I would also like to extend my thanks to those that donated the filing cabinets, T-shirts, school clothes and baby clothes. We will use the filing cabinet to improve our administration system and the clothes will be given out to needy children as we go to visit them in their homes.
Thank you again for your continued support of Enable the Children, we could not do our work without you.
Yours faithfully,
Anna Vines
Anna Vines BSc MCSP
Clinical Lead
Freetown, Sierra Leone